12/21/23 – Blue Christmas
Night Service - Sidney UMC
Sermon Title: “The Need For Hope and Peace!”
Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 80:1-7
New Testament Scripture: Hebrews 10:32-39
Gospel Lesson:
John 16:31-33
Welcome friends to this our annual Blue Christmas or Longest
Night Service. For those that have never been to one of these services before,
let me give you a description of what this service is. This description is
taken from, and it says:
Yes, blue as in the blues. As in "I am feeling blue." Not everyone is
up and cheery for the Christmas holiday. Dealing with the death of a loved one,
facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living
with cancer or some other dis-ease that puts a question mark over the future,
and a number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful for
many people in our congregations and communities. There is a growing
attentiveness to the needs of people who are blue at Christmas. Increasing
numbers of churches are creating sacred space for people living through dark
times. Such services are reflective, accepting where we really are, and holding
out healing and hope”. “Some churches hold a service of worship on the longest
night of the year, which falls on or about December 21st, the Winter Solstice.
There is an interesting convergence for this day as it is also the traditional
feast day for Saint Thomas the Apostle. This linkage invites making some
connections between Thomas's struggle to believe the tale of Jesus'
resurrection, the long nights just before Christmas, and the struggle with
darkness and grief faced by those living with loss” (
This service is often also held on the first day of winter,
or the Winter Solstice. What is the winter solstice? Here is one explanation
that I found:
“The winter solstice (or hibernal solstice), also known as midwinter, is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year” (
This day, December 21st, 2023 is the longest
night of the year. This Blue Christmas/Longest Night service was created
therefore, so that on this long, dark, and cold night, we can shine the light and
the warmth of Christ everywhere.
this season of Advent and very soon to be Christmas, I have been preaching a
sermon series on “Eternal Truths,” or things that we as Christians believe to
be universally and unconditionally true. Historically as Christians, we believe
that Jesus was God in the flesh on earth, that he died for our sins, that he rose
again, that he ascended to heaven, and that he will return one day in glory.
Historically as Christians, we believe that God is always with us, and that
after this life on earth ends, our eternity with God through Jesus Christ begins.
While we believe these things historically as Christians, we also believe in
the need to serve and love all people. We believe in feeding people, clothing
people, helping people, and making the world better.
this the longest and darkest night of the year, I am grateful that the light of
Christ is brighter than any darkness. I am grateful on this the longest and darkest
night of the year that we have gathered together, so that despite cold,
darkness, and a shorter day, we can be together. You see, even in the midst of
cold and darkness, God is with us. When it is a warm and long summer day, God
is with us. Where ever we are, and whatever we are doing, God is with us. It is
important for us to remember on this longest night of the year, on this our Blue
Christmas, to remember that we are never alone. I am so grateful for the
community of faith, for this Sidney community, this church, my family, and for
Jesus Christ. For in darkness, in the longest night of year, God is with us.
a Christian, and as a pastor, I am a child of resurrection. Christians are
called to be boldly optimistic because we serve a boldly loving savior. So
maybe you all, like me, have had moments these past few years of fear and
anxiety? The best arrows we have in our spiritual quivers though, are love and
hope. Fear can be strong, but hope is stronger. I have hope in the future of
Sidney, the Tri-Town Area, and this world, because I have hope in Jesus Christ.
This is also why my sermon for tonight is called, “The Need For Hope and Peace!”
a Christian, historically, we are people of hope and people resurrection,
because we have eternal hope in Jesus Christ. Since our Blue Christmas service
last year, the war between Ukraine and Russia still rages on, with what seems
to be no end in sight. Senseless killing and destruction continue. More
recently, Israel is battling Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and this has resulted in
massive death and destruction. Even though as Christians we are called to have hope
and peace in Jesus Christ, it can still be hard sometimes to have hope and peace
with some of what is going on in the world. Further, we have had recent deaths,
drug overdoses, and other problems. Yet, as I said, as Christians we are people
of hope and people of resurrection, because we have eternal hope in Jesus
Christ. Our past does not need to define our future, as we have eternal hope in
Jesus Christ.
this the longest night of the whole year, we come here again, as in years past,
to shine the light of Christ, and to say boldly that darkness will not win! In
fact, as the gospel of John 1:5 says:
5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it (Jn. 1:5, NRSV).
looking at our scripture reading from Psalm 80:1-7 for tonight, we hear that the
people of Israel are crying out to God to restore them and to give them new hope
(Ps. 80:1-7, NRSV). How many of us have every cried out to God for restoration
and hope? I know that I have, especially in these past few years. Yet, Jesus
says he is the light of the world. May we allow his light, life, and love to
fill us tonight, and always, and may we then share it with others, so that
light will overcome the darkness, even on the longest night of the year.
Following Jesus is not just believing in Jesus, it also living and loving like
our reading once again from the Apostle Paul’s Epistle or letter to the Hebrews
for tonight, Paul writes in 10:32-39
“But recall those earlier days when, after you had
been enlightened, you endured a hard struggle with sufferings, sometimes
being publicly exposed to abuse and persecution, and sometimes being partners
with those so treated. For you had compassion for those who were in prison, and
you cheerfully accepted the plundering of your possessions, knowing that you
yourselves possessed something better and more lasting. Do not, therefore, abandon
that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. For you need endurance, so that
when you have done the will
of God, you may receive what was promised. For yet “in a very little while, the
one who is coming will come and will not delay; but my righteous one will live
by faith. My soul takes no pleasure in anyone who shrinks back.” But we are not
among those who shrink back and so are lost, but among those who have faith and
so are saved”
(Heb. 10:32-39, NRSV).
Apostle Paul reminds us that many people have suffered, and that many people have
suffered for their faith in Christ. Whatever we are suffering or have suffered,
God is with us. Jesus is with us, and He will be with us for eternity, if we
place our trust in him. For we need “Hope and Peace!”
our short gospel lesson from John 16:31-33 for tonight, Jesus reminds us of
suffering and persecution. Jesus once again tells us in this gospel lesson:
“Jesus answered them,
“Do you now believe? The hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be
scattered, each one to his home, and you will leave me alone. Yet I am not
alone because the Father is with me. I have said this to you, so that in me you
may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have
conquered the world!” (Jn. 16:31-33, NRSV).
The promise of Jesus Christ is that he
will always be with us. Yet Jesus does not promise us that we will not suffer, that
we will not have hardships, or that we will not have struggles. How I wish that
this were true, as some people sometimes unfortunately lose faith because they
cannot reconcile the suffering and the pain of this world to a loving God. Even
though we do not always have all the answers, Jesus calls us to be a light to others
and to the world.
we go forth from here tonight then, may we have more love, may we shine more
light, and may we have more hope. Jesus is the light of the world, and even on
the darkest night of the year, the light of Christ win! May the light of Christ
sine in you boldly, for the world needs it now more than ever. For despite everything,
we need “Hope and Peace!” Happy Blue Christmas, and may we shine our light on
this the Longest Night of the year! Amen.
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