Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sidney UMC - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/29/19 - Sermon - “Greed vs. Generosity" "The Realities of Faith and Life" Series - (Part 5 of 5)

Sunday 09/29/19 - Sidney UMC

Sermon Title:              “Greed vs. Generosity”
         (“The Realities of Faith and Life” Series – Part 5 of 5)

Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16
New Testament Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-19
Gospel Lesson: Luke 16:19-31

          Welcome again, my friends, my brothers and sisters, on this day that is Sixteen Sundays after the Holy Spirit moved in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, nearly two-thousand years ago. On that day the Christian Church was born, and we are a vibrant part of that legacy.
          This morning I am finishing my sermon series called “The Realities of Faith and Life”. In our lives and in our faith, whether as individuals or as a church, we experience many things. Some of these things are good, and some of these things are not so good.
          In living our lives and in walking with Christ, we are challenged, we grow, we struggle, and we thrive. There are countless topics that I could discuss around “The Realities of Faith and Life,” but for this five part sermon series, I have chosen just five of them to discuss.
          Thus far, I have discussed, “Why is there is so much suffering in the world?,” the topic of “How important is Jesus to you?,” the topic of “Seeking the Lost,” and last week, Echo Adams discussed what life is like “When it seems hopeless”.
          We all live in a broken, sinful, and a fallen world. We are capable of doing good, as many people do a lot of good every day. We are also capable of sin and evil. Much of the suffering on this world is due to our sinful and broken human natures, and how we treat one another. Some human suffering happens, like natural disasters. In the world in which we live, we inflict harm, and sometimes harm just happens. While there is evil in the world however, we believe that there is good. The only way that we can know what good is, is by knowing what evil is. For if we did not know what evil is, then how could we ever know what good is? God is the source of all goodness, and is the moral law giver. The world is broken, sinful, and hurting, but Jesus Christ is the light of the world. We are called to shine that light into the darkness.
          In the second week of this sermon series, I asked the question of, “How important is Jesus to you?” I said in this message that our answer to this question both individually and as a church, will dictate the success of the church. If we are deeply committed to and connected to Christ, and if we want to share him with others, the church will grow because of our deep faith and outreach. It is good to plan and organize, but the places where the Christian Church is growing, virtually always, have people who are strongly connected to Christ, each other, and the Word of God. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and because of this, I have great excitement for the gospel, for the future, and for the transformation of Sidney and the world. Who we say Jesus is, and how we live that out will have massive ramifications on our lives and on the life of the church. When we go deeper with Christ, we grow, and the church grows.
          Two Sundays ago, I discussed that part of our faith, both individually and as a church, calls us to “Seek the Lost”. The way that Christ explained that a shepherd leaves a flock of one-hundred sheep, to go after the lost sheep, is a model for us. Friends, not as many people go to church as they once did. Yet has anything changed about our needed for God in our lives? Are people still as broken, sinful, and need of Jesus Christ today, as years ago? Of course they are! Are willing to reach out to those around us who are suffering? Are willing to share our faith, serve, love, and help people go from a bad situation, to new life in Christ? Jesus pursues us constantly. Are we willing, with God’s help, to pull people up, mentor them, love them, feed them, care for them, and show them who Jesus is? We must be willing to “Seek the Lost”.
          Last week in my absence, Echo Adams tackled the topic of feeling hopeless, worried, and that of struggling to trust God. This means, once again, we know the nature of this world. We are called to fully trust Christ in all things, and we are called to “Seek the Lost”. What happens though, if we have a moment or a period where we ourselves feel lost? It doesn’t mean we lose faith, but maybe we have grown weary, or something has taken our joy. This happens to all of us, and to me.
          I had a moment like this, this past Monday night. I have been so excited to see our church grow, to see our worship attendance return to numbers that we haven’t seen in 6-8 years. I also know that our church has been running a budget deficit for at least ten-years now. In this being my fifth church that I have served, within a year of being in each church that I have ever served, God has blessed those churches with growth in attendance, members, and giving. Every church that I have ever served was financially solvent and often had money to spare. Sidney UMC however, has a much larger budget than any other church that I have ever served.
          Of course again, we are running a budget deficit again this year. The realities of reviewing this in our church Finance and Ad. Council meetings last Monday caused me some grief and sorrow. For about an hour or two, I felt like I was failing all of you, and all of Sidney. After praying, and a good talking to from Melissa, I realized all that God is doing in this church and in us. I also realize that God is faithful. God has blessed every church that I have ever served. My wife and I give generously, believing in this church, the people in it, and in this community. We believe that God will bless us, this church, this community, and through us, the world. So convinced am I of the promise of God, I am usually thinking that nothing can stop this. Yet once and awhile, I have a moment “When it seems hopeless”. Then I remember that we serve a God that walks through fire, calls out kings, shuts the mouths of lions, and tells the dead to breath. I believe God is and will continue to bless this church, even if we, even when I have moments “When it seems hopeless”.
          Today in the final installment of my “The Realities of Faith and Life” sermon series, and today I want to talk about “Greed vs. Generosity”. That is to say, thinking of and focusing on only ourselves, or considering others.
          In our reading for this morning from 1 Timothy 6:6-10 once again from this morning, it says:
“Of course, there is great gain in godliness combined with contentment; for we brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing out of it; but if we have food and clothing, we will be content with these. But those who want to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains”                   (1 Tim. 6:6-10, NRSV).

          If we work hard, we may very well get ahead. There is nothing wrong with prospering, but if money is the only focus, then that is the sin. If you have a business that you love and you become wealthy, but you have provided hundreds of jobs and are extremely generous, then you have honored God and helped others. It’s not the money, it’s not the possessions. Instead it’s if the possessions possess you. If you work hard your whole life, you might accumulate some wealth and possessions. We should thank God for blessing us. Just don’t worship those possessions, and be generous.
          Our reading from 1 Timothy for this morning ends once again saying:
“But as for you, man of God, shun all this; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. In the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep the commandment without spot or blame until the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he will bring about at the right time—he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords. It is he alone who has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see; to him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen. As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life” (1 Tim. 6:11-19, NRSV).
          Pursue God, and if you become financially wealthy, don’t worship your money and your possessions. What has impressed me throughout my life, is when I met someone with a great amount of financial wealth and possessions that are incredibly humble. They love Jesus, and God gave them certain gifts, graces, talents, skills, and intelligence. Maybe they started a construction company, and they took good care of their workers. They paid them fairly, were generous, loving, and yes they accumulated some wealth and possessions. Yet they saw those things as blessings from God, and as things that they were looking after in this life, knowing that these things wouldn’t follow them into heaven. 
          Jesus, is calling us to believe in him, so that our hearts will be changed. In us changing and in us spiritually being reborn, we are then empowered by the Holy Spirit to change others. Some people are also called to sell everything and have nothing. We can’t all do that though, or we would have no manufacturing and no production. Some though, are called to do this, like nuns, monks, and etc.
          Beyond just financial wealth though, we can be greedy in other ways. We can decide that our time is ours and not others. A father or a mother can be wrapped up in a game on their cell phone, instead of focusing on their children. There are so many ways that we can take the blessings of God in our lives and then use them for us and no one else. This is what makes the church so great! We are here, and God has gifted us all differently. Are we willing to use and share those gifts? Whether we have material gifts, financial gifts, or other gifts, we are called to be generous, as God blesses us all differently.
          This leads me to our gospel lesson for this morning from Luke 16. This scripture is commonly called the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Once again, here is what the gospel says for this morning: 
“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table; even the dogs would come and lick his sores. The poor man died and was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was being tormented, he looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus by his side. He called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in agony in these flames.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that during your lifetime you received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in agony. Besides all this, between you and us a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who might want to pass from here to you cannot do so, and no one can cross from there to us.’ He said, ‘Then, father, I beg you to send him to my father’s house—for I have five brothers—that he may warn them, so that they will not also come into this place of torment.’ Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; they should listen to them.’ He said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”                            (Lk. 16:19-31, NRSV).
So there is a rich man who lived lavishly, while Lazarus was hungry and suffered. This scriptures doesn’t say that Lazarus wanted the rich man’s money, or even his house. Instead, Lazarus was hoping that the rich man would give him the food that was left over from his table. Perhaps this food would be discarded, and all Lazarus wanted was the left overs.
Lazarus according to this gospel reading, then dies and goes to heaven, and the rich man dies and goes to hades. The rich man, the scripture says, is in agony, and is suffering. Yet, he doesn’t apologize to Lazarus. He doesn’t ask for Lazarus’ forgiveness. So bold is the rich man, that he actually asks Lazarus to put his finger into water and cool his burning tongue with his wet finger. Even in the agony of hades, hell, the rich man seems unrepentant to Lazarus. Lazarus, who is with Abraham, does not mock the rich man, does not condemn him. Even now, the rich man offers Lazarus nothing.
The rich man then tells “Father Abraham” to have mercy on him. Yet, according to the scripture, the rich man won’t even apologize to Abraham. He certainly didn’t repent. It seems that it is more of the rich man saying to Abraham, “look, can you just get me out of here?”
Abraham then tells the rich man that he lived a great and blessed life, and Lazarus suffered. The rich man didn’t care. He wasn’t called to have nothing, but he was called to be generous, and he wasn’t!
The rich man, seemingly still unrepentant, wants Abraham to warn his living brothers to repent of their sins. Maybe the rich man did repent here, but it doesn’t seem exactly like he did. I have said a CS Lewis quote so many times, and I will tell it to you again:
“The gates of hell are locked from the inside” (

Once again that quote is:

“The gates of hell are locked from the inside” (

We chose to be greedy or generous. I really like what one of my Bible commentaries, the Africa Bible Commentary says about the rich man in this scripture. It says:
The sin of the rich man is that he has no heart. He looks at a man with a name, but does not ask him his name. He saw Lazarus’ hunger and pain, but did nothing about it. He accepted the poverty of Lazarus as part of the normal order of things and though it perfectly natural and inevitable that Lazarus should lie in hunger, pain, suffering, and sickness ultimately in death while he wallowed in luxury. There are none so blind as those who will not see”              (Africa Bible Commentary, 1263).
This is why we have the Food Pantry housed at this church. God isn’t necessarily asking us to give away everything that we have, he is saying though, be generous. Should we help the poor, the oppressed, and the hurting? Of course we should!
We don’t have to give away everything we have, but God wants us to be generous. In the Old Testament the Tithe or the offering to God was not 100%, it was 10%. God didn’t intend to always take everything we had, maybe at times, but he wanted us to be devoted to him, and to be generous.
One of my favorite all time movies, is “Braveheart,” starring Mel Gibson. In this movie, Mel Gibson portrays the historical Scottish figure William Wallace. William Wallace led a rebellion movement to free Scotland from being under the control of the English or the British in the early 1300’s. In this movie, if the depiction is accurate, and not just Hollywood, Mel Gibson, playing William Wallace, has no problem with the Lords and the King’s lands, estates, castles, and wealth. He does challenge them though. He tells them that all they have from God isn’t just to give them comfort. Instead, all they have is given so that might help their people, lead there people, and give their people freedom. To whom much is given, much is required.
Working hard and getting ahead isn’t a sin. Lusting after money and possessions, while turning from God is a sin. Working hard, serving and helping others, is very much what the rich man did not do in the scripture for this morning.
I remember reading and seeing television programs about Henry Ford throughout my life. In these readings and programs, I read how Henry Ford paid his workers well so that they too could afford to buy a ford. Ford helped his workers, and by many accounts took good care of them. They were provided for, given good jobs, and yes Henry Ford was very wealthy. The difference though, is that he was generous.
One of our “Realities of Faith and Life” friends, brothers and sisters, is determining whether we are being greedy or generous. Do we care about the suffering of others? Or do we have absolutely no care about the suffering of others? So let us remember every day who God is, what he has done for us through his son Jesus Christ, and be generous. Jesus calls us to be generous. For if we have all the blessings that we have, and if we do nothing with them for others, well then that is the sin of the rich man from this morning. Amen.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sidney UMC - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/15/19 - Sermon - “Seeking the Lost" "The Realities of Faith and Life" Series - (Part 3 of 5)

Sunday 09/15/19 - Sidney UMC

Sermon Title:              “Seeking the Lost”
         (“The Realities of Faith and Life” Series – Part 3 of 5)

Old Testament Scripture: Psalm 14
New Testament Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Gospel Lesson: Luke 15:1-10

          Welcome again everyone, on this the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Fourteen Sundays after the Holy Spirit moved nearly two-thousand years ago in Jerusalem, giving birth to us the church.
          This week I am continuing on in my sermon series, “The Realities of Faith and Life”. In this series, I have been looking at some of the very real realities and struggles that many of us face in our lives and with our faith. The Bible says that if we repent of our sins and burdens, that Jesus will forgive us. We can be filled with the Holy Spirit, our sins are gone, and we are made into a new creation.
          Some of us have had a very real and powerful spiritual encounter with Jesus Christ, or many, like I have had. These moments are powerful, and are what some people call a mountain top experience. While we can be forgiven just like that, the world around us doesn’t change. Christ changes us, so that we can change the world. We are called to be new creations, yet we will continue living in the creation we started in before we became a new creation in Christ.
          Even though we can be forgiven, can accept Christ as our Lord and our Savior, and feel the freedom of Christ, life will still go on. We will still struggle with sin, brokenness, and live in a world that seems like it is chaos at times. The difference is this, we are forgiven, restored, and are walking with Christ, so that every day we may become more sanctified and righteous. Christ is the free gift, but the world is still the world. We are called to be salt and light in this world and to transform it, until we go to be with Christ, or until he returns to earth.
          So far in this sermon series that could include several topics, I have discussed “why there is so much suffering in the world?” Even though Human sin is the reason for so much human suffering, sometimes bad things just happen. Since there is evil in the world, there must be good. In God being the source of all good, we are called to follow God. God is light, and we are called to shine the light of Christ throughout the world.
          Last week, I challenged us all with the question of “How important is Jesus to you?” If we have strong faith in Christ, and if he is truly our Lord and Savior, then we will live for him. Our lives will reflect him, and we should seek to serve him and others. Our passion and love for Christ and one another is our callings and our motivation for the ministries in which we are called to.
          Imagine for a moment if you kind of liked a sports team, versus being a devoted fan. Do you kind of like Jesus, or do you love him? Is he the center of your life?
          This morning I want to talk about another topic around the realities of this broken world, who we say Jesus is, and what we do with this. In our gospel of Luke reading for this morning, Jesus says once again:
“So he told them this parable: “Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance” (Lk. 15:3-7, NRSV).

          There are statues and paintings of Jesus or a shepherd having a lamb on their shoulders by the legs. In these painting and portrayed in these statues, Jesus or a shepherd, is bringing a lost sheep safely back into the fold. I don’t know about you, but I really love the imagery of this gospel lesson. The idea that we are to “Seek the Lost”. Jesus loves us so much, that he will leave the flock to seek after us. We, in many different ways, are called to “seek the lost”. My sermon title for this morning therefore, is “Seeking the Lost”.
          For some of us, we have had people in our lives that came to us when we were lost, and when we were in a dark place. These people took time, energy, and resources to bring us back into the fold.
          I am sure that many of us here have done the same to. Maybe it was that young kid you worked with that had no direction, the student you had that was spiraling out of control, your friend or family member that was suicidal, or someone else that really needed you.
          A hallmark of Jesus’ ministry here on earth, is that he went to all kinds of people, and pulled them back in. All of us are broken, and all of us need to be saved sometimes. Even after we know Christ, it is possible for our hope and faith to get dim, and we are called to “Seek the Lost”.
          When one of our church members is sick, is suffering, has lost a loved one, or is hurting, our duty is to “Seek the Lost”. Friends, we have countless lost and wounded sheep in this community, and in this world. He have people that have been scarred by the sin and the brokenness of this world, have been harmed by the church, or have lost their hope. I meet people frequently that I call “wounded sheep”. These are people of faith who have left the church, because they have been wounded by the church. They have been judged, told they were no good, told they were going to hell, or treated with contempt and disrespect.
          Now the interesting thing about our gospel reading from Luke this morning once again, is we are not told by Jesus how or why the sheep in his parable was lost. We know this though, we are to seek out that sheep and we bring them home! This church is my home, and if one of you is sick, lost, or gone, I will reach out to you, the way that Christ goes after the lost sheep. For as Christ says in John 10:11:
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (Jn. 10:11, NRSV).

          Jesus spoke the words he spoke in the gospel of Luke for this morning once again, because the Pharisees and the scribes were complaining that he welcomes sinners and even eats with them (Lk. 15:1-2, NRSV). Jesus is telling us that all the lost need saving, not just some. All of us need to be brought home by God.
          Jesus then elaborates on his parable of the lost sheep, with the parable of the lost coin. He says once again:
“Or what woman having ten silver coins, if she loses one of them, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents”
(Lk. 15:8-10, NRSV).

          I wonder how many people here in Sidney are lost right now? I wonder how many of them are lost in way that we were once lost?
          So I began my leadership incubator training at our Upper New York UMC conference center in Liverpool, this past Tuesday. It’s actually a great training thus far, which I honestly can’t say for all trainings I have been in. Here is part of what we talked about:
          How many of you grew up in a society where virtually everyone went to church? The church was always unlocked, there were many people checking in on each other, and we came to church on Sunday, and then went home.
          We now come to a church that is locked when no one is here, and that has video surveillance doorbells. Our culture is no longer Christian like it used to be, and people don’t go to church out of obligation anymore. The older generations feel a sense of helplessness and distress over the future of the church. “We need more young people,” I hear often. So our culture has shifted from a Christian and church going culture to culture that is moving away from God, and that says truth is in the eye of the beholder.
          Yet does this culture still have sin, brokenness, and lost people? Of course! So if the sheep are no longer coming to be the flock as they once were, what are we then called do? What did Jesus himself do and tell us this morning? We rescue the lost. We “Seek the Lost”. Our culture has shifted, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always. There are people suffering here in Sidney and in the world. They need to hear from you. They need to hear how Jesus changed your life, and they need you in the name of Jesus to rescue them, put them on your shoulders, and bring them back into the flock.
          Instead of a Christian and a church going culture, we now have a church that is expected to go out more among the people. To tell the people who we are, who God is, and we are called to love them into the kingdom of God.
          Jesus came to earth to seek and save the lost, to die for us, and restore us. Maybe some of us were led to Christ by some of the very people in this church today. Friends, we know the world is broken, we love Christ, but will we seek the lost?
          So given all of this, what will take our church from a strong and a growing church to a thriving and a huge church? The answer is our willingness to serve. I don’t just mean on a committee, or making things for a bake sale. I mean, I am asking all of us here to pray about and to think about how Jesus has called us. What experiences have we had in our lives that God has shaped us through? What do we feel God calling us to do?
          I would love in the coming weeks and months to form a leadership team. I attempted a visioning team some months ago, but that might have been launched to soon. What I am asking is this, do you want to “Seek the Lost”? Do you want to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and help those who need it? Do you want to help to teach our children in Sunday School? Do you want to help with our youth? Do you want to start a time of weekly prayer? Do you feel called to do anything else?
          Friends, brothers and sisters, we are called to “Seek the Lost”. Unfortunately, as I said, we no longer live in a Christian oriented society, and belonging to the church is no longer the social norm. Yet, the gospel of Jesus Christ is still our hope, and if Christ has changed us, how can we change others?
          When I behold this broken world, my hearts breaks for what breaks the heart of God. When I see suffering, when I see pain and brokenness, I want to help with that. Does anyone else feel this way? Friends, you don’t need my permission to be all that God has called you to be. We need people that are excited about Jesus Christ and about “Seeking the Lost”. This is the growth engine or the catalyst to grow the church and transform the world.
          In closing, I would like to share a story with you. This story was posted on the Guideposts website on July 25, 2019, and is called: “They Formed a Human Chain and Saved Nine People from Drowning”. It is written by Jessica Simmons, and here is what it says”
“My husband sprang the idea on me at the last minute that Saturday evening, July 8, 2017. I didn’t even have a chance to go into mission mode. That’s our name for how I like to tackle things, from big projects like moving to everyday stuff like grocery shopping. I go into mission mode—I assess the situation, figure out what needs to be done, then do it. “Let’s have dinner on the beach,” Derek said. He must have seen me hesitate, because he added, “A farewell picnic.” It was his family’s last day with us before they went home to Alabama—his mom and dad, three teenage nieces and a teenage boyfriend. Derek and I don’t have kids, and we loved playing parents for several weeks every summer. I worked at a hotel and cleaned houses on the side while taking business management classes online at the University of Alabama. I hoped to run a business someday centered around helping animals. Derek managed a team that set up voting stations for federal, state and local elections. A busy life. But making memories with the kids was our priority. We all love the water, and we’d taken them to water parks, the beach and kayaking. “A picnic on the beach sounds perfect,” I said. “We can watch the sunset.” We packed up the food, loaded everyone into cars and drove to Miller County Pier in Panama City Beach. The coastline here is known for its two sandbars—the first about 20 feet from shore, the second 30 feet out. The trough between the sandbars makes a nice lane to swim in on calm days, but when it’s choppy, look out. The waves can shift the sandbars and create rip currents.”                            
“It was after 6 p.m. The lifeguards had left for the day. A yellow flag by the lifeguard tower meant moderate waves and currents. Pretty typical for the Gulf of Mexico. I wasn’t too concerned. I’d swum in pools and lakes and rivers since I was a toddler. I was a strong swimmer. I could keep the kids safe. We went out to the first sandbar, where the water was knee-deep, so they could look for sand dollars.”
“I looked up from the hunt and noticed a bunch of people gathered on the beach. They were all pointing toward the water. “Let’s get out,” I said. “Must be a shark.” “I’ll see what’s going on,” Derek said. He jogged over to the crowd as the kids and I made our way to shore. Derek waved me over. “There are people drowning!” Not a shark. A riptide! There were maybe 30 people or so in the water. I couldn’t tell which ones were in trouble. A police officer at the water’s edge was telling everyone it was too dangerous to go after those swimmers. Emergency lifeguards had been called. I asked two girls to show me who was drowning. “Over there,” one said, pointing past the sandbars. If you’re caught in a riptide, you’re supposed to swim parallel to the shore. These folks weren’t moving. They were trapped. A man waded out to mid-waist. “It’s too rough,” he called back. “The tide’s trying to suck me in. I can’t reach them.”
“We couldn’t just let these people drown! I knew what suddenly losing someone you love could do to a person. I’d lost my first husband five years earlier. Matt had been in great shape, never sick, until a bad case of what we were told was bronchitis. It turned out to be sepsis. Matt just stopped breathing. I looked down at his lifeless body in the hospital bed in a state of shock. Coming home to an empty house afterward nearly destroyed me. I was only 23. I’d expected to grow old with Matt. What sustained me was our community. People reached out to me every single day. One of Matt’s coworkers phoned me every morning to make sure I got out of bed. His two best friends took turns calling after work to ask about my day. My girlfriends came over to clean my house without being asked. The first Christmas without Matt, our friend Derek—now my husband—came over and put up a beautiful tree. I felt so loved. God put these people in my path. Their human chain saved me from drowning in my grief. A human chain, I thought. That’s what we need. It was as if Derek read my mind. “Don’t just stand there!” he shouted to the crowd. “Let’s make a chain!” People plunged into the water and linked arms. Five people. Ten. Derek directed them. He was used to managing teams. Our nieces and the boyfriend jumped in to help. We put them in the shallows, with taller adults farther out. Some folks didn’t even know how to swim. But they put themselves in the line, relying on the ones beside them to keep them afloat. All these people who didn’t know each other were working together.”
“The chain grew to 40 people, 50, 60, more. But still not enough to reach the drowning swimmers. I grabbed two boogie boards off the beach and swam to the last man in line. He was in water up to his neck. “Can you bring those folks to me?” he asked. “Are you a good swimmer?” I could see them now, 20 feet away. Two little boys. Their mom, dad, grandmother. A young man. A young woman. A couple. Nine people total. “I’m really good,” I said. “We’ll get them out.” I went into mission mode. I kicked hard, cutting through the churning water. The mom was on her back, trying desperately to hold up her sons. “Save my boys!” she gasped. The boys were crying. I gave them the boogie boards and pushed them to the end of the human chain. They got passed along to shore superfast. I took one of the boards and went for their mom next. “I’m so tired,” she said. “You can do it,” I said to her. “Just keep kicking.” The last man in line grabbed her and shot her down the chain to safety. I got the boogie board back, swam to the grandmother. She was in bad shape. The young man, the first woman’s nephew, was holding her head above water. I tried to help her onto the boogie board. Once, twice. Six times. She kept falling off. Each time, the nephew dove down and brought her back up, but he was weakening. The grandmother’s eyes rolled back in her head. I was not about to let this lady die!”
“A surfer had paddled out, and the couple were draped on his board. “Can we put this woman on there?” I asked. The couple slid off the board and held on to the sides. But we couldn’t get the grandmother up there. That’s when Derek swam up beside me. He threw the grandmother onto the surfboard. The nephew curled his arm around her to keep her there. Then we waited for a wave to push the board to the end of the chain. I swam back out for the last two people: the boys’ father and the young woman. She’d floated out of the riptide. Two emergency lifeguards had arrived. They reached her and used the human chain to send her to shore. I headed for the father. He was a big man, twice my size. Too big to tow. “I can touch the ground now,” he said. He walked slowly to shore. I went back to Derek and the kids. The human chain unraveled. An ambulance arrived. EMTs took the grandmother, who’d had a heart attack, and the young woman, who’d taken in too much water, to the hospital. But both would be all right. Derek’s last-minute picnic didn’t give me time to go into mission mode. That’s because God had a bigger mission in mind for everyone on the beach that day. Together we saved nine people from drowning. Just as it had for me six years earlier, a human chain made all the difference”.

          Friends, brothers and sisters, we are in a world where people are spiritually drowning. Part of “The Reality of Faith and Life,” is “Seeking the Lost”. Are you willing to do that in a variety of ways? Or will we not do it, or wait for the pastor to do it? Will we wait for someone else to do it? Friends, our faith, how we live, and how we love, will dictate how our church and the world are changed.
Our church is strong, but how many of us want to see this church grow even more? Friends this will happen if we are excited to serve, excited to share Christ, deeply love one another, and in various ways “Seek the Lost.” If you want to help us bring people to Christ and change the world let me know, because I am would love to help! Amen.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Sidney UMC - Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/08/19 - Sermon - “How important is Jesus to you?" "The Realities of Faith and Life" Series - (Part 2 of 5)

Sunday 09/08/19 - Sidney UMC

Sermon Title: “How important is Jesus to you?”
         (“The Realities of Faith and Life” Series – Part 2 of 5)

Old Testament Scripture: Jeremiah 18:1-11
New Testament Scripture: Philemon 1-21
Gospel Lesson: Luke 14:25-33

          Friends, brothers and sisters, welcome once again on this the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Thirteen Sundays after the Holy Spirit moved on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem, nearly two-thousand years ago. On that day, the Christian Church was born, and we are a part of that great chain of witnesses.
          Last week I started a sermon series called, “The Realities of Faith and Life”. In this sermon series I am looking at some of the real realities that we as Christians have with our personal faiths and the larger faith of the whole church. Further, I am looking at some of the realities that we face in life in general. How are we to respond to the very struggles that we have with our own faith, the faith of the whole church, and the realities of our lives? Are we to abandon God? Are we to redefine God to fit us? Or do we seek God amidst it all?
          In this sermon series, I am going through just five different areas of “The Realities of Faith and Life”. Last week I addressed the question of “Why is there so much suffering in the world?’ From the moral end, the human to human end, I argued that most human suffering occurs because of our sinful and fallen nature. From the natural end of things, hurricanes, tornadoes, and etc., I argued that bad things just happen sometimes. We can decide that because God did respond in the way that we want God to respond to us that there is no God. Yet, if we believe that evil is alive and well in this world, then we can only know what evil is by knowing what good is. If goodness does not come from God, then we are left to decide for ourselves what is good and what is bad. The result of this, is a culture that can’t seem to agree on much of anything.
          Further, while we live in a broken and a sinful world, and while our sin and wickedness is the cause of so much human suffering, sometimes bad things just happen. God intervene sometimes, but sometimes not. We have an eternal promise from Jesus Christ that he will be with us for eternity if we turn to him. We should seek to do everything that we can to make this world better, knowing that is broken. Knowing that none of us can escape the tragedy of humanity. Our task on earth therefore, is to pursue God, to love Jesus, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to live and share that love all over the world. In doing so, we will indeed make the world much better and transform it, but until Christ returns to earth in final victory, we will never have a perfect world. The world is broken because of us, and because it is a dangerous place. God is good even when bad things happen, because God is the source of all goodness, and moral law giver of humanity.
          Last Sunday, while I attempted to address the brokenness, sinfulness, and the suffering of this world, I want to talk about another issue that is part of “The Realities of Faith and Life”. This issue, this person, is Jesus Christ.
          Our faith is called “Christianity”. We call ourselves “Christians,” or for some “Followers of Christ”. This would assume in the name, I would think, that Jesus Christ is important in our faith. I mean his name is in the title. It is the equivalency of going to Pizza Hut and being shocked that they have pizza. Christ, Jesus Christ, is the name in our faith. So significant is Jesus, that the biggest and the grandest stained glass window in this whole church depicts Christ with the Clarkes. I’m still looking for the gospel passage where Christ meets this nice founding couple of this congregation, but clearly Jesus is significant. So significant in fact, that among all of the stained glass windows that we could have put here, we put Christ and the founders of this congregation.
          The question that I want to look at this morning then, is “How important in Jesus to you?”  I mean his name is the title of our faith? We are “Christ” “ians”. Called to me “mini-Christ’s,” or “Christ followers”. Clearly there is some major significance in the person and deity of Jesus Christ.
          As many of us know, the unique claim made by the Christian faith, is that God took on flesh, walked among us, loved, healed, forgave, died for our sins on a cross, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and will return to earth one day in glory. Since by our natures we have goodness within us, but we are also prone to sin. As a result, none of us can live up to perfect standards of God. God therefore, sent his son to die for us, and his son was named Jesus Christ.
          While we believe as Christians, in the Triune God, of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus though, is the person of God who came to earth to die for us. God the Father created the universe, Jesus saved humanity, and the Holy Spirit fills us and guides us.
          So Jesus is the person of God that came among us, died for us, and taught us a radical new way to live and love. So much so, that our entire faith tradition is named after him, as we are “Christians”. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 5:8:
“But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8, NRSV).

          The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 10:9:

“because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”                      (Rom. 10:9, NRSV).

          It says in 2 Corinthians 5:17:

“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (2 Cor. 5:17, NRSV).

          In the Book of Acts 11:26 it says:

and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for an entire year they met with the church and taught a great many people, and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called “Christians.”                   (Acts 11:26, NRSV).
          The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4:

“Now I would remind you, brothers and sisters, of the good news that I proclaimed to you, which you in turn received, in which also you stand, through which also you are being saved, if you hold firmly to the message that I proclaimed to you—unless you have come to believe in vain. For I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures,”                          (1 Cor. 15:1-4, NRSV).
          Jesus Christ is the person of God who came among us and died for us, and therefore, is the centralizing figure of our faith as “Christians”.
          In our reading from this morning, from the Book of Jeremiah, once again, the prophet Jeremiah discusses how God shapes us like a potter makes a pot or a vessel. God wants us to follow him, but we always fall short. Jesus came to take our brokenness and our sin, so that God, the potter, can truly shape us and create us into what he has called us to be (Jer. 18:1-11, NRSV).
          In the New Testament reading that we have for this morning from the Apostle Paul’s Epistle or Letter to Philemon once again, we have 21 verses of a literal 25 verse letter. Paul’s letter to Philemon is one chapter, 25 verses, and we have 21 of them. Some of us have maybe never read the Apostle Paul’s letter to Philemon, which is not the store Filenes. Philemon is a disciple of Christ, and Filenes Basement is a clothing store. The purposes of this letter deals with themes of forgiveness and reconciliation ( In this letter, Philemon owns a slave named Onesimus, but the Apostle Paul encourages Philemon to free Onesimus and make him an equal and not a slave.
          In the Apostle Paul’s letter to Philemon, among other things, Paul writes, possibly with help from Timothy:
“I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective when you perceive all the good that we may do for Christ” (Phil. 1:7, NRSV).

Know Christ, love Christ, live for Christ, love like Christ, and change the world for Christ. Accept Christ into your heart, share Christ, and transform the world. Let Christ change you, move towards becoming like Christ, live like Christ lived, love like Christ loved, and serve like Christ did.
These beliefs are very different than living under a brutal dictatorship. Instead of having faith in the dictator or their government, you have faith in God through Jesus Christ. You then as a result of this faith, have to then live differently, so that you love, serve, heal, and forgive. Since Christ died for you, you must serve him as Lord. How far are we willing to go with this? Or to put it another way, “How important in Jesus to you?”
The last time I checked, unless it has changed, in 52 countries in this world it is illegal to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, distribute Bibles, or proclaim Christ as Lord. In all of these countries, like North Korea, there are underground and illegal churches. These people are risking their very lives to follow Christ. Why would they do this?
Clearly, they believe that Jesus Christ and his gospel are the hope of the world. So much so, they are willing to stand up to a dictator, like some stood up to Cesar, and proclaimed Christ. Is Jesus Christ this important to us?
Christianity is growing like wild-fire in places like China and Vietnam, despite efforts in many such countries to stop the gospel. I have seen videos from China of churches being demolished or destroyed with explosives. What is so scary about the gospel of Jesus Christ anyway?
The answer is this, the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ is rooted in God coming to earth and saving us. We follow him, not a dictator. We love, we heal, and we forgive, even if our government tells us that we can’t. The scripture does say in Romans 13 to follow the law of the land in which we live, but first and foremost live for Christ.
If you are the dictator of North Korean, Kim Jung Un, do you want your people to live for you or for Christ? In Christ we are a new creation, he is our sovereign Lord, and no one can take his place. Further in the Bible, and in the gospels, Jesus has given us the blue print of how to love, to live, and how to build a better a world.
Are some dictators terrified of the gospel of Jesus Christ then? You bet they are, and they should be, because Jesus Christ and his gospel are the hope of the world. If you are a brutal dictator that leads by fear, the last thing that you want is your people to have hope, and to follow God over you. So brothers and sisters, “How important in Jesus to you?”
If Christianity became illegal in the United States, and if we were required to renounce our faith in Christ or be killed, how many of us would do that? In 52 countries in this world, the last I checked anyway, faith in Christ is something that changes you and frees you. It also might be the thing that gets you killed on this earth. “How important in Jesus to you?”
Some people we may know, maybe some family members, and certainly people in world will mock our faith. They might want us to live differently, or live in ways that Christ called us to not to live like. As a result, to be a Christian means in many contexts to be persecuted, hated, and or oppressed. “How important in Jesus to you?”
In our gospel of Luke reading for this morning, once again, Jesus invites us to follow and live for him. He saves us, loves us, and is with us. Yet he tells us this morning once again, the price of following him. Once again the gospel reading for this morning says:
“Now large crowds were traveling with him; and he turned and said to them, “Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it will begin to ridicule him, saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.’ Or what king, going out to wage war against another king, will not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty thousand? If he cannot, then, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for the terms of peace. So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions” (Lk. 14:25-33, NRSV).
In the beginning of this reading, Jesus is saying that we must follow and serve him as our Lord and savior. We must metaphorically pick up our crosses daily and seek to serve and follow him. Jesus is saying that choosing to follow him is a decision that we should really deeply consider. Brothers and sisters, “How important in Jesus to you?” Would you renounce Christ to save your own life?
I remember watching horrific video clips of ISIS killing brutally Christians in Iraq for following Christ. “How important in Jesus to you?” Jesus then compares following him to building a tower or waging war against another king. He asks us if we think about and plan to build the tower and plan to go to war with a king, or if we just do it? Jesus is telling us, there is a cost in following me. Jesus then says to sell all and follow him. Giving up all we have is a unique Christian calling that monks, nuns and others have, but it is not for all of us. Jesus is speaking specifically to his disciples when he says this. Some Christians call this “a vow of poverty”.
So, “How important in Jesus to you?” Where the church is growing the fastest, it often the most persecuted. This is the case because it means everything to be a Christian in these places. It is more than just an hour on Sunday morning, it is the very identity of those people. They are willing die before they will denounce the one who died for them. How many of us would be willing to suffer, to pick up our cross for Christ?
I believe that this has been, is, and will continue to be, “A Reality of Faith and Life”. To love and serve Christ, means some will hate you and your faith. Do you abandon you faith, or do you stand firm in the Lion’s Den, like the Prophet Daniel did?
People have asked me, “Pastor Paul, why in the United States and Western Europe, are so many churches shrinking rapidly”? Among the various reasons for this, I believe that one of the strongest reasons for this, is that for some us, our faith has become nominal. It has become common and not central to our lives. It is cultural, but not central to who we are. When Christ is the center of our lives, and is at the center of our church, like our main stained glass window, then the church is alive. If Christ truly is our Lord, then our faith will overflow, thereby overflowing the church, and transforming Sidney and the world.
I want to leave you this morning, with a quote from the great St. Augustine. This quote is:
“Christ’s martyrs feared neither death nor pain. He triumphed in them who lived in them, and they, who lived not themselves for Him, found in death itself the way to life” (Quotable Wisdom, The Saints, pg. 93).

So friends, brothers and sisters, “How important in Jesus to you?” Amen.