Saturday, April 20, 2013

RWJ/Pottersville UMC - 04/21/13 Sermon - “Signs, wonders, and miracles" The Early Church Series, Part 3 of 6

Sunday - 04/21/13 RWJ/Pottersville UMC

Sermon: “Signs, Wonders, and Miracles” The Early Church Series, Part 3 of 6                                                                                      

Scripture Lesson: Acts 9:36-43
Gospel Lesson: John 10:22-30

          Good morning brothers and sisters! It’s a pleasure to be here worshiping with you this morning, on this the Fourth Sunday of Easter. In this season we celebrate the death and the resurrection of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. While Jesus was raised to new life almost 2,000 years ago in the spring, this time of the year for many of us bears signs of new life. Many of us awake at this time of the year to song birds, budding flowers, and newness. We see brown lawns begin to turn green, we see neighbors cleaning whatever the winter has left on their property, as they allow the new life of spring to come forth. In this Easter season then, we celebrate new life.
          In doing this sermon series that I am doing on the early Christian Church, we have already talked about how the early Christian Church, and even some of the present day Christian Churches are persecuted. Last Sunday, we talked about how the early church was resilient. How they grew rapidly and how they kept the faith in the toughest of circumstances. How our ancestors made great sacrifices to build these very church buildings that we are sitting here this morning. We talked about men and women who had such a drive to serve Christ that we are the largest faith today, in the entire world. When you attack us, like the recent Boston attacks, we respond, we come together. We are resilient, are we not?
          In continuing with talking about the early Christian Church though, today I want to talk about the power of the early Christian Church. For the early Christian Church was full of “Signs, wonders, and miracles”. Well you might be saying to yourself, just what are “Signs, wonders, and miracles?” These visions from God, these things that we see that are unbelievably incredible, and miracles of healing and power, that we cannot explain. To provide a good example of this, let us look at the scripture that was read from the Book of Acts from this morning. Once again, the Book of Acts, or the Books of the Acts of the Apostles are the many things that the apostles did after Jesus was crucified and resurrected. This includes the 40-days that Jesus appeared to the apostles before his ascension into heaven. In this morning’s scripture from Act 9, it discussed a female disciple name Tabitha, or Dorcas in Greek. There were many founding mothers and female disciples in the early Christian Church, in fact.  In this scripture, it talked about how Tabitha was “devoted to good works and acts of charity”. Yet the scripture tells us that, “At that time she became ill and died”. Tabitha or Dorcas was then washed and “they laid her in a room upstairs”. At this point another believer Lydda had heard that the apostle Peter was near Joppa, where she was, and sent for him.
          Peter then showed up, went to that room upstairs, to find a room of weeping people, and the late Tabitha laying there. The Apostle Peter then did something amazing. He said, regarding all of those mourners in the room, “put all of them outside, and then he knelt down and prayed. He turned to the body of Tabitha and said, “Tabitha, get up”. After he had said this, “she opened her eyes, seeing Peter, she sat up. He gave her his hand and helped her up. Then calling the saints and widows, he showed her to be alive”.
          So as I starting to explain a little while ago, what are “Signs, wonders, and miracles?” The answer is this kind of stuff! The answer is an apostle of Jesus Christ, raising Tabitha from the dead with the power of God. The early Christian Church was full of these types of “Signs, wonders, and miracles.” According to the Book of Acts scripture from this morning, this miracle became well known around the area of Joppa and many came to believe.
          In fact, I am talking about “Signs, wonders, and miracles” occurring that where so big, that sometimes full towns converted. Sometimes when this happened, hundreds or even thousands were baptized into our faith in one day’s time. While many people prefer the old method of baptism “down at the river” or in a lake, in some instances the early Christian Church baptized so many people, that only had the ability to sprinkle water on converts heads, due to the sheer number of people. This method also developed out of the need to baptize people in an “anywhere, anytime fashion,” as not everyone always has a river or a lake down the road.
          One definition of a miracle that I found for this morning, is “an event not ascribable to human power or the laws of nature and consequently attributed to a supernatural, especially divine, agency”. So thing happening that have no scientific explanation, like people living when they are told they will not. People who have stage four cancer and are told they will die soon, yet they fully recover. People who lived in the era of the early church, who witnessed the blind being made to see, the lame walking, the Holy Spirit being powerful, and seeing the majesty of God in abundance!
          The question I have for you then, is do Signs, wonders, and miracles” still occur today? I believe they do. In fact, I remember being on a couple of Christian retreat weekends, where I witnessed some. On one of these weekends, there was a man who a Vietnam veteran. He took all sorts of medications, and told the group of Christian men on that weekend that he has not slept the night through since he left South Vietnam in 1975. This man was a well decorate United States soldier, and his duty required him to see some pretty horrific things. One of the nights on this weekend, this man felt the presence of the Holy Spirit during worship, and during the church service he fell at the alter in the church. When this happened all of the men in the room stopped what there were doing and placed hands upon him and prayed, just as it says the early church did in the Book of Acts. This man had fallen to the ground broken, but like in baptism, he was raised to new life. The next morning when we all gathered in the chapel for morning prayers, this man reported to us that it was the first time in over 30-years that he had slept through the entire night. That he had made his peace with God that night and he finally felt forgiven for what he had done. For the first time over 30-years, he actually had peace. To me this was a miracle! Almighty God, with the power of the Holy Spirit healed this man, and as Jesus said, “come to me and I will give you rest”.
          On another one of these retreat weekends, a friend of mine who is a pastor of three churches in this United Methodist Conference had been suffering for a few months with some pain in his ribs. This made it hard for him to stand up and sit down, hard to sleep, and even hard to walk. One night on this retreat weekend, we laid hands on this pastor, this shepherd, this servant of the Lord, and we prayed for him. We then anointed his head with oil. The next day he came into the room walking fine, and informed us that his ribs no longer hurt, and that he slept fine!
          In the early Christian Church brothers and sister, people saw signs from heaven, amazing wondrous feats, and miracles of healing and power. The question is though do miracles still happen today? Can a Christian Church in America that is seen by some as getting small be revitalized? Can hearts be changed? Can people go from being angry, hateful, jealous, and mean, to being kind, loving, generous, and compassionate? I, Paul Winkelman who believe, say yes, yes they can! I say yes these things can and still do happen! All around the world right now “Signs, wonders, and miracles” are occurring, if we but believe and call upon the Holy Spirit.
          The early church was powerful, and people saw amazing things. I as a pastor want to recapture the power and the majesty of the early church. I want to see the power of God healing, I want to see marriages that are nearly broken to be mended, I want to see broken hearts healed, and I want to see people who doctors say will die, live! Because while doctors treat, Jesus Christ heals! “Signs, wonders, and miracles”. Do you believe this brothers and sisters? Is it possible in the present day to experience “Signs, wonders, and miracles?” Not only do I think it is possible, I have seen it!
I would like to close today’s message with a story, before we move into the Sacrament of Baptism.  This story is a true story, and it comes to us from Chen Guangmei of China. A country where our faith just so happens to be being heavily persecuted and oppressed right now. Here is the story:
I did not hear it coming. Suddenly a large goods vehicle hit me. Now as I fell to the ground the wheels of the 8-tonne truck went right over my body. One wheel after the other went over me as I lay there. But to my surprise, I felt no pain! You see, going home that night it was very dark. So the driver of that truck did not see me before his vehicle hit me. Now as I lay there, I wondered if I could move my body. To my surprise, I found I could move my legs. Then I found I could move my whole body. So slowly I began to move my body from under the truck.
Now as I did this, the driver of the truck appeared. He found it difficult to believe what his eyes saw, when he saw me still alive. Then as I began to stand on my two feet, his mouth dropped open in complete surprise. I said to him, “I am not hurt!” But he pointed to the marks of the truck wheels on my shirt. Yes, he could see the truck wheel marks on my shirt. The marks ran from my lower back to my shoulder there on my shirt.
Now when we reached home, my friends thought they must find I had suffered in some way. But they found I had suffered no harm. As people began to hear what happened, they came from far and near to see if it was true. Whenever they did this I showed them the wheel marks on my shirt. I then told them why I was not killed. I told them, “God wants to continue to use my life.”
So I hung my shirt outside my house for everyone to see what God can do for us. I told everyone, “You can also prove what the power of God can do for you.”
“Signs, wonders, and miracles” brother and sisters.  The belief that God is powerful, and that he can move mountains. What a miracle it is here this morning that we are baptizing 6-children into the faith. What a miracle it is that we are even here worshiping on this morning. So I close this message brothers and sisters by saying this one very simple thing, “believe and be changed!” In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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